It’s never a bad decision to be on the lookout for fresh, new scents that match your persona and style. One of our favorite brands is Eight and Bob, and we have compiled a list of some of the best scents they offer.
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However, to fully appreciate these luscious scents, it’s essential to grasp the depth of the iconic perfumes, and also the history of the brand.
Eight and Bob Favorites
Here we will take a look at our top 8 picks from the iconic brand, Eight and Bob.
Egypt EDP Unisex
Eight and Bob Egypt Eau De Parfum is an excellent choice for a gentle scent to compliment cool fall or winter weather. With top notes of lavender, lemon, and moss, the gentle scent is ideal for both men and women. This is not a great scent in hot environments where you can expect to get sweaty. However, if you’re planning on close contact in cold or cool environments, this jack of all trades scent is a fantastic choice as an Eight and Bob cologne or perfume.
Annicke 6 EDP For Women
Annicke 6 is a strong, pepper forward scent is perfect for creating a grand entrance. Top notes include Sichuan pepper, carnation, and bergamot, while middle and base notes continue to offer robust, noticeable flavors. If you are looking for a subtle accent to your over style, this is not the perfume for you. If you want a scent as loud as you are, then it is a great first choice.
Nuit De Megeve EDP Unisex
Another great scent for men and women; Nuit De Megeve scent has gentle, earthy notes. Woody hints of coffee and sweet tobacco mixed with energetic citrus; this scent hits both masculine and feminine notes without leaning too much into either. If Egypt Eau De Parfum feels a bit too sweet or floral, then this scent is a great alternative.
Annicke 4 EDP For Women
Eau De Parfum gets back to the traditional feminine roots of sweet, floral smells. Unlike Annicke 6, Annicke 4 is complex enough for special occasions but soft enough for everyday use. An excellent option for those looking for complex notes with traditional, familiar flavors.
Champs De Provence Unisex
Champs De Provence smells and feels like classic citrus and floral scent, with the citrus notes the most forward. This scent is great for hot weather and sunlight, and the middle floral notes follow up nicely for an overall fresh scent. This is a great choice for everyday wear, though we like other options for more formal events.
Annicke 2 EDP For Women
Similar to Annicke 6, Annicke 2 is another bold scent that is perfect for women wanting to get noticed. The forward notes are fruity and sweet and fall back to a light floral, woody scent. The scent isn’t as unique as Annicke 6, but Annicke 2 may be more palatable for those looking for a bold scent with familiar sweet, fruity notes.
Memoires De Mustique EDT For Women
Memoires De Mustique is a tailored scent meant to combine the best in citrus and musky scents to create a palatable feminine fragrance. It has white floral and citrus notes forward, but the base will be a gentle woody and musky scent. This is an overall great scent for women, but we like it in particular because of the lack of musky scents in most women’s perfumes.
Annicke 3 EDP For Women
For the final scent on our list, we have another woman’s scent that is ideal for year-round use. The forward notes are woody and rose with fruity hints of citrus. Annicke 3 is a great change in pace for those accosted to fruit-forward scents and is a soft introduction to woody, more earthyscents.
History of Albert and Eight and Bob
The brand boasts ties all the way to the early 20th century, where the predecessor to the brand was connected to French high-society. It wasn’t until 1937 that Albert Fouquet, the original manufacturer of the scent, found its brand name.
Albert had the opportunity to meet John F. Kennedy, who was immediately taken by the scent that Albert was wearing. After they parted ways, JFK sent a letter to Albert, asking for eight samples of Albert’s favorite scents and “one for Bob,” presumably JFK’s brother, Bobby Kennedy.
Albert obliged, sending the samples as requested. Humored by the frankness of the original request, the boxes were sent to JFK with the label “Eight and Bob,” which remains the brand’s name and signature scent line.
From there, the popularity of Albert’s perfumes spread across American highlife, primarily from Hollywood connections created by JFK’s father, which he maintained after the family entered political life.
The brand’s notoriety continued to grow until Albert’s untimely death in 1939. After World War 2 ended, the family butler helped resurrect the recipe for Eight and Bob Cologne, which has cemented itself as one of the world’s premier cologne and perfume brands.
How to Choose Your Signature Eight and Bob Scent
Trying a new perfume or cologne for the first time can be intimidating, especially if you want to avoid making a significant investment on a scent you end up hating. Fortunately, Eight and Bob have remained true to its history, and you can purchase Eight and Bob samples from a few online stores.
Eight and Bob also offers discovery kits, which come with a bundle of different scents in either the Eight and Bob or Annicke scent lines. The bundles make it easy to try, compare, and ultimately decide on the particular scents that work best for your persona and style.
Once you land on a scent you love, it’s easy to branch out and buy a bottle. We strongly encourage taking advantage of Eight and Bob samples or discovery kits before making a significant investment in a high-end bottle of cologne or perfume.
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Selena Marc is a fragrance enthusiast, freelance writer, and dog mom living in Houston, Texas. When she's not writing about her favorite new perfumes, you can find her enjoying yoga or a morning hike.